home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 5 a$=""
- 6 ifa=0thena=1:load"input any.o",8,1
- 10 goto660
- 20 rem ------input routine-------
- 30 poke198,0:k$=""
- 40 print" [157][146]";:fort=1to10:next
- 50 print" [157]";:fort=1to10:next
- 60 geta$:ifa$=""then40
- 70 l=len(k$)
- 80 if(qq)and(l=0)and((a$>="a")and(a$<="z"))thena$=chr$(asc(a$)+128):goto150
- 90 ifa$=chr$(13)thena$=k$:print:return
- 100 ifa$=chr$(20)andlthenprint" [157][157]";:k$=left$(k$,l-1):goto40
- 110 ifnu=0thenif(a$<" "ora$>"_")and(a$<"[193]"ora$>"[218]")then40
- 120 ifnu=1thenif(a$<"a"ora$>"z")and(a$<"[193]"ora$>"[218]")then40
- 130 ifnu=2thenifa$<"0"ora$>"9"then40
- 140 ifl>ln-1then40
- 150 printa$;:k$=k$+a$
- 160 goto40
- 165 rem ------line lock-------
- 170 poke770,131:poke771,164
- 180 poke88,0:poke89,192
- 190 poke90,0:poke91,192
- 200 poke781,33:poke782,0
- 210 sys41964
- 220 poke88,254:poke89,255
- 230 poke90,254:poke91,255
- 240 poke781,33:poke782,0
- 250 sys41964
- 260 poke59639,1:poke1,53:return
- 270 rem ------list routine-------
- 280 print"[200]old down [211][208][193][195][197] to pause - [209] to quit"
- 290 iftythenopen4,4,7:cmd4
- 300 fori=1tox-1:ifty=0thenprint"[152]";
- 310 ifx=1andty=0thenprint" [217]ou must [204][207][193][196] a file first":goto460
- 320 ifpeek(203)=60then320
- 325 ifpeek(203)=62theni=x-1
- 330 ontlgoto340,360,380,400,420
- 340 ify=ls%(i)then420
- 345 ify<ls%(i)and(x<202)theni=x-1
- 350 goto460
- 360 ify$=left$(pr$(i),len(y$))then420
- 370 goto460
- 380 ify$=left$(au$(i),len(y$))then420
- 390 goto460
- 400 ifp%(i)=ythen420
- 410 goto460
- 420 print"-----------------------------------"
- 430 print"[198]rom [204]oadstar #"ls%(i):ifty=0thenprint"[159]";
- 440 printchr$(34)pr$(i)chr$(34)"
- 445 [153]" by "au$(i)
- 450 [153][163]5)ca$(p%(i))
- 460 [130]:[139]ty[167][152]4,[199](13):[160]4
- 470 [153]"(NULL)ress any key to return to (NULL)ain (NULL)enu":[151]198,0
- 480 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]480
- 490 [142]
- 500 [143] ------category list-------
- 510 [153]""
- 520 [129]i[178]0[164]5
- 530 [153][163]8)"sys"i[170]1"print - "ca$(i)
- 540 [130]
- 550 [161]a$:[139]a$[179]"1"[176]a$[177]"6"[167]550
- 560 [142]
- 570 [143] ------error message-------
- 580 [139]st[178]0[167]640
- 590 [132]15,a$,b$
- 600 [153][163]15)"(NULL)ress a keyononon"
- 610 ta[178]20[171][181]([195](b$)[173]2)
- 620 [153][163]ta)"sys"b$:[129]t[178]1[164]15:[130]:[153][163]ta)"onclr"b$"on":[129]t[178]1[164]15:[130]
- 630 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]620
- 640 [160]15:[142]
- 650 [143] -------initialization-------
- 660 [151]53281,0:[151]53280,0:[153]"load"[199](14)[199](8)
- 670 [134]pr$(250),p%(250),au$(250),ls%(250),ca$(6)
- 680 [129]i[178]0[164]5:[135]ca$(i):[130]
- 690 x[178]1:ls%(0)[178]30:qq[178]0:[141]170
- 700 [153]"load"
- 710 [143] -------main menu-------
- 720 [153][163]7)"def(NULL) (NULL) atn str$ (NULL) (NULL) atn (NULL) (NULL) right$ (NULL) (NULL)":qq[178]0
- 730 [153][163]8)"open(c) 1987 by ascender (NULL)ucker"
- 740 [153][163]10)"sys1list - valnter (NULL)rograms"
- 750 [153][163]10)"sys2list - (NULL)ist (NULL)rograms"
- 760 [153][163]10)"sys3list - (NULL)oad a (NULL)ist
- 770 printtab(10)"[158]4[155] - [211]ave a [204]ist
- 780 [153][163]10)"sys5list - (NULL)uit
- 790 geta$:ifa$<"1"ora$>"5"then790
- 795 qq=0
- 800 onval(a$)goto880,1070,1410,1570,810
- 810 print"[153] [193]re you sure you want to quit? ([158][217][153][146]/[158][206][153][146])"
- 820 aa=peek(203):ifaa<>25andaa<>39then820
- 830 ifaa=39then700
- 835 poke1,119
- 840 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 850 ifer<>63thenend
- 860 load"hello connect",8
- 870 rem -------enter routine-------
- 880 print"[147]"tab(8)"[158][208]rogram [206]umber[153]"x
- 890 printtab(8)"[158][204]oadstar # [155]";:nu=2:ln=2:gosub30
- 900 ls%(x)=val(left$(a$,2))
- 910 ifls%(x)=0then700
- 920 printspc(9)"------------------------------[145][145][145]"
- 930 print"[158][212]itle - [155]";:nu=0:ln=30:qq=1:gosub30
- 940 pr$(x)=a$
- 950 printspc(9)"------------------------[145][145][145]"
- 960 print"[158][193]uthor - [155]";:nu=0:ln=24:qq=1:gosub30
- 970 au$(x)=a$
- 980 gosub510:p%(x)=val(a$)-1
- 990 print"[159]":printchr$(34)pr$(x)chr$(34)
- 995 print" by "au$(x)
- 1000 print:printca$(p%(x))" - [204]oadstar #"ls%(x)
- 1010 printtab(8)"[153][201]s this correct? ([158][217][153][146]/[158][206][153][146])"
- 1020 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then1020
- 1030 ifa$="n"then880
- 1040 x=x+1
- 1050 goto880
- 1060 rem -------list menu-------
- 1070 print"[147][150]":qq=0
- 1080 printtab(7)"[212][200][197] [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] [204][201][211][212] [205][197][206][213]"
- 1090 printtab(10)"[158][193][155] - [194]y [204]oadstar [201]ssue #"
- 1100 print" [204]"
- 1110 printtab(10)"[158][194][155] - [194]y [208]rogram [212]itle"
- 1120 print" [201]"
- 1130 printtab(10)"[158][195][155] - [194]y [193]uthor"
- 1140 print" [211]"
- 1150 printtab(10)"[158][196][155] - [194]y [195]ategory"
- 1160 print" [212]"
- 1170 printtab(10)"[158][197][155] - [193]ll"
- 1180 printtab(10)"[158][198][155] - [194]ack to [205]ain [205]enu"
- 1190 geta$:ifa$<"a"ora$>"f"then1190
- 1200 tl=asc(a$)-64:y=-1:y$=""
- 1210 print"[153]":ontlgosub1230,1260,1290,1320,1340,700
- 1220 goto1340
- 1230 printtab(7)"[204]oadstar [201]ssue # [155]";
- 1240 nu=2:ln=2:gosub30:y=val(a$)
- 1250 return
- 1260 printtab(7)"[208]rogram [212]itle - [155]";
- 1270 nu=0:ln=20:qq=1:gosub30:y$=a$
- 1280 return
- 1290 printtab(7)"[193]uthor's [206]ame - [155]";
- 1300 nu=0:ln=20:qq=1:gosub30:y$=a$
- 1310 return
- 1320 gosub520:y=val(a$)-1
- 1330 return
- 1340 print"[153] [204]ist to ([158][211][146][153])creen or ([158][208][146][153])rinter"
- 1350 geta$:ifa$<>"s"anda$<>"p"then1350
- 1360 ty=0:ifa$="p"thenty=1
- 1370 ifty=0thenprint"[147]"
- 1380 gosub280
- 1390 goto700
- 1400 rem -------load routine-------
- 1410 f$="":print"[158]"tab(5)"[198]ilename to [204][207][193][196] - [155]list";:k$="list":l=4
- 1420 nu=0:ln=16:gosub40:f$=a$
- 1430 iff$=""then700
- 1440 open15,8,15,"i0"
- 1450 open2,8,2,"0:"+f$+",p,r"
- 1460 sys828,2,255:x=val(a$)
- 1470 fori=1tox
- 1480 sys828,2,255:pr$(i)=a$
- 1490 sys828,2,255:au$(i)=a$
- 1510 sys828,2,255:p%(i)=val(a$)
- 1520 sys828,2,255:ls%(i)=val(a$)
- 1530 next:close2
- 1540 gosub580
- 1550 goto700
- 1560 rem -------save routine-------
- 1570 f$="":print"[158]"tab(5)"[198]ilename to [211][193][214][197] - [155]";
- 1580 nu=0:ln=16:gosub30:f$=a$
- 1590 iff$=""then700
- 1600 open15,8,15,"i0"
- 1610 open2,8,2,"0:"+f$+",p,w"
- 1620 print#2,x
- 1630 fori=1tox
- 1640 print#2,pr$(i)
- 1650 print#2,au$(i)
- 1660 print#2,p%(i)
- 1670 print#2,ls%(i)
- 1680 next:close2
- 1690 gosub580
- 1700 goto700
- 1710 data"[198]un 'n [199]ames","[212]he [200]appy [200]acker","[208]icture [212]his"
- 1720 data"[200]elpware","[194]rainware","[205]usical [205]adness"